Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Lower Klamath and Tule Lake 2023-24 Waterfowl Season Update

Information for waterfowl hunting at Tule Lake has been updated. Driving into Field Units at Tule Lake is now again permitted before shoot time as in the past. Lower Klamath remains closed to waterfowl hunting for the 2023-24 season.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Tule Lake and Lower Klamath 2023-24 Waterfowl Season - Hunter Access Continues to Diminish

At Tule Lake refuge for 2023-24 Waterfowl Season no reserved blinds, free roam field unit hunting only, no field Disabled/MI blinds as provided in the past, no drive in allowed to set up deeks, no hunting at Klamath Basin, etc.. looks like Ducks Unlimited and California Waterfowl Association monies and projects not be helping waterfowl hunters at all.. may be actually hurting..
Two years ago hunting on the Eastern side of the League of Nations Field unit was permanently closed to hunting which greatly reduced non spaced blind field unit hunting access. It appears that current Tule Lake and Lower Klamath Refuge Management have put hunting access at the rock bottom of the priority list. No wonder the town of Tule Lake is almost a ghost town.

Friday, April 14, 2023

2022-2023 Late Season Goose Addition

The 2022-2023 Late Season Goose Addition of Canada Geese for a Saturday and Sunday hunt in February 2023 was a great addition since in my clubs' area of the Suisun Marsh we do get some honker fly overs but not much in he way of Snows or Whitefronts.. However, later in Fall of 2022 in a strong wind driven rain storm we did have an unusual full day of Snows in the area. For the Late Canada Goose Weekend I loaded some 0x3 Combo Bismuth 12 ga 1 1/8oz loads which worked quite well.

CA SB1226 Access to Navigable Waters - Delta Waterfowl

..from Delta Waterfowl posting.. Going into effect on Jan. 1, 2025, SB1226 protects hunters’ rights to use navigable waters in line with th...