Monday, April 22, 2024

California 2024-25 Waterfowl Season - Veterans Get 2 Less Days of Hunting

California Veterans Weekend Hunt has been combined with Late Goose Season for 2024-2025. This action greatly diminishes the respect for Veterans and diminishes greatly their recognition for service. The combining the Veterans Weekend with Late Goose Season results in two (2) less days for Veterans to hunt in the Waterfowl season due to the fact that the dedicated Veterans Weekend would be lost when combined with Late Goose season.

Since there will be non veterans out shooting geese on Veterans weekend it would no longer be a Veterans only hunt. The Veterans will lose the additional late goose as a separate hunt.

Also as noted earlier another problem with combining the Veterans Weekend Hunt with Late Goose is Veteran and non Veterans hunting together. Veterans could hunt both ducks and geese and non Veterans could only hunt geese. A game warden would not be able to tell who harvested ducks and who did not with regard to Veterans and non Veterans in the same hunting party. Non veterans could kill ducks on Veterans Weekend in non Refuge areas under the combination weekend and pass them on to a Veteran hunter who had under the limit or no ducks.

Over all combining Veterans Weekend with anything else greatly diminishes the importance and recognition of Veterans Weekend. If concerned write to - President Samantha Murray, California Fish and Game Commission, P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, California 94244-2090 or email at .

CA SB1226 Access to Navigable Waters - Delta Waterfowl

..from Delta Waterfowl posting.. Going into effect on Jan. 1, 2025, SB1226 protects hunters’ rights to use navigable waters in line with th...